St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037

Year one Homework


Below you can find the details about Year One homework.


Spelling lists and Number Bonds are sent home every Friday.  We have our Spelling Test and Number Bonds Test each Friday.


Homework is sent home every Friday.  Please return the completed Homework by the following Wednesday.


It is very important, you read with your child every night and record this in their School Planner.  You can find additional texts to read here: Monkey Pen  


At Saint Anne's, we use a variety of online learning platforms to support your child's learning.You will find the log in details for each platform in your child's planner. If you have any questions about how to use the platform or issues with logging in, please see your child's teacher. The teachers monitor the platforms regularly to check your child's progress. You can also refer to the document- A Guide to Online Learning.

MyMaths (External Link)

Your child can access the MyMaths webpage to complete activities linked to their work in maths lessons.

To access the page:

1. Follow the link above.

2 Enter the school username and password (below) first.

3. Then your child's log in via the My Portal.

Username: stannes6  Password: square200

White Rose Maths Home Learning (External link)

In the event of your child needing to self isolate or a school closure, your child will bring home their White Rose Maths Work Book. Click on the link above to find the correct week for your child's maths lesson.  They select and watch the correct video and complete the appropriate page in their workbook.

Flash Academy (external link)

Your child can log onto Flash Academy to rehearse their phonics sounds and key vocabulary for different subjects. 

To log in enter the School Centre Number, SA04, first then your child's username and password. 


Numbots (External Link)

Visit the Numbots website to access games to improve your child's counting skills and number bond skills. The more points you collect the more changes you can make to your Robot. 

School Games At Home Friday Afternoon Challenge

We will be setting challenges through the School Games Portal for your child to complete at home on a Friday afternoon.

Access code: clifton (which is not case sensitive). Enter this and you should be taken to select an account type, which is of course parent.

Once you have selected 'parent' you should then be able to fill in all their details and submit. Just a few points to note however:

      • Ensure that the Password  entered in both boxes is the same.

      • If an individual already registered in the summer with a specific email, they will not be able to create a new account with that email. This is also a common error.

      • Please make sure that if you have registered an account that you go to 'log in'. 

      • In the school name box when you start to type St Anne's, the school should automatically appear, so make sure you click on this, rather than type the whole school name out as the system is a bit sensitive to this.

School Games Portal 

School Games Week 1 Challenge - 13th November 2020

School Games Week 2 Challenge - 20th November 2020

School Games Week 3 Challenge - 27th November 2020

You will also find other activities on the School Games Portal which you can participate in and enjoy.