School Uniform
Where to get school uniform?
Parents can purchase specific (logo) items of the school uniform, e.g. jumper, polos and school bags from the school office.
The school also has second-hand uniform bank where you can get donated uniform for free. These can be obtained by
contacting the school office.
Parents can purchase general items of school uniform e.g. shirts, trousers from any supplier including
Please see our uniform policy
OUr School Uniform
Green pullover/cardigan (available from our office)
Green tie (available from school office)
White shirt
Grey trousers/grey knee length skirt
Black ‘sensible’ shoes (not trainers or fashion shoes/boots)
Black/grey/white socks/grey or black tights
PE Kits
Indoor PE: Yellow polo or t-shirt, black shorts and plain black pumps.
Our uniform policy does not require children to wear ‘St Anne’s’ branded tops.
No jewellery should be worn.
Optional Summer Term Uniform
Grey knee length tailored shorts can be worn
Green gingham summer dress can be worn