St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037

REMOTE AND HOME Learning page 


In the event of the school needs to close or year groups need to partially close, you can use the links below to help support your child/children working from home. There is also additional information on your child's Class Page which will be updated as required.


Please see parent letters and links for support

How to access Google Classrooms.

Attendance during remote learning.

Support with data allowance and access.

Remote Learning - Guidance for parents

Our Saint Anne's Curriculum.

Click on the tabs below to access a range of online resources to support your home learning. You can also access different resources on your Child's Class Page. 

Click on the links below to visit these webpages for resources: 

Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize

Earth & Space

First News

Below are resources to support your child to learn their phonics sounds. We use Read, Write Inc to teach phonics in school, but the other websites are also a useful tool to support your child's phonics learning and early reading. 

Read, Write Inc 

Phonics Play

Phonics Bloom

Phonics Play Comics

Below are resources which will support your child's learning of the basic skills in maths as well as support for specific teaching in Maths. 

White Rose Maths Home Learning

Times Tables Rockstars- For years 2-6 to rehearse Times Tables Facts.

Numbots- For Reception and other year groups to rehearse counting skills and number bonds facts.

MyMaths- Lessons and activities related to children's classroom learning 

Hit the button- A fun game where children can practice times tables facts and number bonds facts. 

Corbett Maths- Children answer 5 questions daily to support their number facts knowledge

E-Learning for Kids- A website with range of games and activities for children to rehearse maths skills

Below are a range of web pages to support your learning for science and topic. Also check the Class Pages for more information. 

Practical Action Home Learning -    A website with a range of STEM activities that you can complete at home.

 BBC Schools Radio Primary History - This resource offers a range of audio and video clips for children to engage with.

Science at Home from the Royal Society- has free resources, activities and videos for you to use to support your learning at home. 

E-Learning page: E-Learning Environment Skills  E-Learning Science

Show Me- Show Me Science Show Me Art Show Me History