St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037

Test Results

Here are our assessment results for 2024 (Academic Year 2023/24).


Progress Result
Achieving good level of development 77%

Phonics Screening Checks

Year Pass Rate
Year 1 89%
Year 2 (Re-sits) 71.4%

Key Stage 1 (End of Year 2)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard
Reading 65.5% 13.8%
Writing 69% 0%
Mathematics 65.5% 17.2%

*Note: The figure for 'Reaching Expected Standard' includes those working 'At' and 'Above' Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).

Multiplication Checks (End of Year 4)

Subject Scoring 20+ Above Expected Standard
Multiplication Checks 87% 25/25 = 53%
> 22 - 83%


Key Stage 2 (End of Year 6)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard
Reading 92.9% 46.4%
Writing 82.1% 14.3%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 89.2% 50%
Mathematics 85.7% 35.7%
Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined 75% 7.1%

*Note: The figure for 'Reaching Expected Standard' includes those working 'At' and 'Above' Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).


Reading 1.9
Writing -0.2
Mathematics 3.6

School Performance Tables

For further information on our school results see our page on the Government's School and College Performance comparison website:

For further information on the school Finance please use the link below.