St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037


“Serve one another with the gifts you have received.” Peter 4:8-11

Welcome to Year 5! The year 5 team consists of: 

 Mrs Ryan           

  Mrs Rhodes   



We would like to welcome both you and your child to Year Five.

We are looking forward to working with you to ensure that your child achieves their very best academically, spiritually whilst also developing their wider gifts and God given talents.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please make an appointment at the front office and we will arrange to meet with you.


Mrs Ryan and Mrs Rhodes

our class saint - SAINT JOHN BOSCO

Feast day: - 31st January.

St John Bosco is the patron saint of school children and magicians. 

He was born in Italy on 16th August 1815. He helped his family grow food and raise sheep. Eventhough they were poor themselves, they shared what they could with poorer families in the area. At the age of nine her had a vivid dream which inspired him to go onto help those who were less fortunate than himself.  After watching a circus troupe perform, St John Bosco was inspired by the way the performers attracted the attention of the crowds and used this when going out to preach in the streets of Italy. Using magic to draw in the crowds, he is now the patron saint of magicians.

As a young priest, John Bosco worked tirelessly to help the young; especially those who were poor and not attending school or work. He spent many years working with the poor youth in Turin, helping them in gaining skills and jobs as well as supporting them in their faith formation. This is why St John Bosco is also the patron saint of school children. St John Bosco, Pray for us.

Whatever you do, think of the

Glory of God as your main goal.


Our Curriculum

Long Term Overview 2023/2024

You can find our curriculum overviews for each half term here;

Autumn Term 1 - Are roles within our community equally distributed?

Autumn Term 2 - How can God's creation cause harm?

Spring Term 1 - How can we ensure dignity for all human beings?

Spring Term 2 - Whose needs are considered first?

Summer Term 1 - How do we stand with others?

Summer Term 2 - How do communities adapt to circumstance?


You can also refer to these document A Guide to Online Learning and Age-Related Expectations.


This half term, P.E. will be on Monday Year 5 will be taking part in Gymnastics and cricket sessions as part of their PE learning.  They will need to ensure that they have their full PE kit in school each week and that long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed, to enable them to take part in these lessons safely.



  • Reading – Every night, must be evidenced in the reading diary with a signature and at least two comments a week. 
  • Spellings – Set on a Friday to be tested on the following Friday. 
  • Maths/English – Set on a Friday, due in on a Monday. 
  • Times Tables Rock Stars – to be completed at least 3 times a week. 


Other Projects

  • Curriculum Tasks (R.E./Science/Topic/Themed) 

Other curriculum tasks may be set for your child throughout the year and your child will be informed when these will need to be returned.

Homework should be handed in on a Monday. Any queries or issues can be addressed on a Monday morning. If extra support is needed then please write a message in the planner so the class team can support your child.


We look to Jesus as our guide in praying and learning. Here you will see some of the wonderful experiences we have shared together in Year 5.



Year 5 have joined together during times of Prayer and Liturgy and we have shared our own prayer intentions.

We offered our prayers to Mary, Our Lady, to mark the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and also during the month of October; the month of the Holy Rosary.



We have worked collaboratively in groups as we have engaged in our learning across the curriculum.




We have enjoyed working practically during our Science lessons as we have explored the properties of materials. We completed an investigation to find out which carrier bags were the most durable.


We have used the chime bars during our Music lessons this half term as we have practised and performed pieces, inspired by 'Music through the Decades'. 



Year Five thoroughly enjoyed their Vocations Morning. We were joined by a visiting headteacher who spoke to us about her role in her school in Sweden. She also answered all of our questions and giving us an insight into vocations

Image     Image


Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed developing their geographical knowledge and skills during Geography Passport Day. We visited lots of different countries from around the world! 



Year Five hosted a 'Stay and Pray' session, attended by our families, to mark the beginning of their Advent journey which focussed upon the theme of 'Hope'.






Year Five reflected upon what the themes of Advent mean to them and recorded what they hoped for during this Season.  The children recorded their own prayer intentions which will be offered and shared during Advent. 





Members of our class started the Spring Term by taking part in a special workshop led by the Bishop Challenor Chaplaincy Team.  They had the opportunity to create their own Prayer Stations and also offered their intentions through song.






Our Values and Mission

Class Prayers

Home Learning

Values and Virtues

Wednesday Word
