St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037


For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Welcome to the Year 2 class page! Our Year 2 team consists of:

Mrs Coollen-Fernandes

Mrs. Coollen-Fernandes   

  Mrs Dhillon 

 Mrs Halimy


In Year 2, we aim to ensure your child reaches their full potential and we will give them the support they need to do so. Year 2 is an important year for our children as they become more independent and develop a deeper understanding of who God has called them to be. 

On this page, you will find a range of information regarding your child’s learning, including pictures of activities they have completed. You can also refer to Year 2 Parent Handbook which was given out at the start of the year.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please log it in your child's planner or arrange an appointment through the office. 


Mrs. Dhillon and Mrs. Coollen-Fernandes

our class saint - SAINT JUAN DIEGO

Feast Day - 9 December 

Juan Diego was born in Mexico.

When he went to Tepeyac Hill, he met Mary standing by the roses. She said that she would like a church built there. Juan Diego picked up the roses and showed them to the Bishop. A church was then built on Tepeyac Hill.


Our Curriculum

Long Term Overview 2023/2024

You can find our curriculum overviews for each half term here;

Autumn 1- What makes a community? 

Autumn 2- How can we be like our heroes and heroines? 

Spring 1- What makes a home? 

Spring 2- Is there enough for everyone? 

Summer 1- Who is my family?

Summer 2- How are we called to be God's gardeners? 

You can also refer to these documents A Guide to Online Learning and Age Related Expectations.


This half term, P.E. will be on Wednesday Children will need to bring their PE kits with them to school to get changed. 



  • Reading – Every night, must be evidenced in the reading diary with a signature and at least two comments a week. 
  • Spellings and Number bonds – Set on a Friday to be tested the following Friday. 
  • Maths/English – Set on a Friday, due in on a Tuesday. 
  • Numbots – to be completed at least 3 times a week. 

Other Projects

  • Curriculum Tasks (R.E./Science/Topic/Themed) 

Other curriculum tasks may be set for your child throughout the year and your child will be informed when these will need to be returned.

Homework should be handed in on a Tuesday. Any queries or issues can be addressed on a Monday morning. If extra support is needed then please write a message in the planner so the class team can support your child.


We look to Jesus as our guide in praying and learning. Here you will see some of the wonderful experiences we have shared together in Year 2.


Year 2 have joined together during times of Prayer and Liturgy. We invited our parents to join when we offered our prayers to Mary, Our Lady, to mark the month of October, the month of the Holy Rosary. 


 Year 2 enjoyed discussing their feelings and using a variety of equipment to create different faces to show their feelings. 

As part of 'National Poetry Day', Year 2 gathered together in our prayer garden to think about our safe places in this world. 



During Geography Awareness Week, Year 2 enjoyed planting tulips and discussing different ways of looking after ‘God’s Creation’.

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed developing their gymnastic skills during our PE lessons.  

As part of our Geography Passport Day, Year 2 visited Australia. They had the opportunity to use some of their senses to complete 'I'm a celebrity...Get me out of here!' challenge.



Our Values and Mission


Class Prayers

Home Learning

Values and Virtues

Wednesday Word
