St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037


I would like to welcome you to Saint Anne's Catholic Primary School website. As Governors we feel that the links between the school and home are vital. We hope that you will find this site useful.

Saint Anne's School is a Voluntary Aided School administered by a Governing Body. Our Governors consist of the following:

  • Parents of children who attend the school (parent governors);
  • Staff of the school (teaching and non-teaching governors);
  • People appointed from the parish community (foundation governors);
  • People appointed by the local council (LA governors).

As Governors we are involved in Saint Anne's School working on a variety of committees which help in the smooth running of the school: Curriculum; Premises and Buildings; Finance, Personnel and Staffing.

The Governing Body meets regularly and formulates and approves policy on all aspects of school life including Admissions, Discipline and Conduct, Attendance and Punctuality, Religious Education and the National Curriculum.

We, like you, have the best interests of the pupils and school at heart and we hope we can all work together to support Saint Anne's School.

Monica Powis
Chair of Governors


School Governing Body

Name Title Responsibilty
Mrs Monica Powis Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor SEND and Curriculum
Mr Wendell Gopaul Headteacher Headteacher
Fr Robert Murphy Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor RE and Catholic Life
Mr Emmanuell Otemu Foundation Governor SEND and Curriculum
Mr Michael McConnell LA Governor Curriculum
Mrs Jaimy Elsen Roy Parent Governor Behaviour and personal Development
Miss Karline Collins Parent Governor
Miss Michelle Stephens Co-opted Governor Safeguarding and Attendance
Mrs Fiona Lane-Costello Staff Governor Behaviour and personal Development
Mrs Denise Caines Associate Member Website, Attendance and Mobility
Mr Mohammed Abid Associate Member Pupil Premium and Finance
Mrs Lisa Oakey Clerk to the Governors Clerk to the Governors

Also see:

Governor Committees and Interests 2023 - 24

Register of Governor Attendance 2023

Governing Body Code of Practice

Governor Visit Policy