St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037


I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Welcome to Year 6 where we are proud to be part of the Saint Anne’s family.

   Mr Edmunds

 Mr Healy      



Our aim is for the children to develop socially, morally, culturally and spiritually to be the people God has called them to be. At the heart of our class is a belief that we can achieve any aspiration through dedication, discipline and hard work. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please log it in your child's planner or arrange an appointment through the office. 

Mr Edmunds & Mr Healy

Link to Information for parents: 2024 national curriculum tests at the end of key stage 2 


Feast Day - 14 August.

St. Maximilian Kolbe was born on January 8, 1894. He was very active in promoting the Immaculate Virgin Mary and is known as the Apostle of Consecration to Mary. Much of his life was strongly influenced by a vision he had of the Virgin Mary when he was 12.

He became a priest and started a magazine so that more people would know about Mary, our Mother.

In 1938, the Nazis invaded the Polish City of the Immaculate. They stopped the wonderful work going on there. In 1941, the Nazis arrested Father Kolbe. They sentenced him to hard manual labour at Auschwitz.

Three months after he arrived at Auschwitz a prisoner managed to escape. The Nazis became very angry and decided to punish the rest of the prisoners. They decided to choose ten prisoners and put them in a bunker without food or water so that they would starve to death. All the prisoners stood straight, while ten men were pulled out of line.

One prisoner they chose was a married man with a family. He begged and pleaded to be spared for the sake of his children. Father Kolbe, who was listening, felt deeply moved and decided to help that suffering prisoner. He stepped forward and asked the commander if he could take the man's place. The commander agreed.

Father Kolbe and the other prisoners were sent into the bunker and they remained alive without food or water for many days. One by one, as they died, Father Kolbe helped and comforted them. He was the last to die on August 14, 1941.


Prayer is powerful beyond limits when we turn to the Immaculata who is queen even of God’s heart.

Key Information

Our Curriculum

Long Term Overview 2023/2024

You can find our curriculum overviews for each half term here;

Autumn 1: Are we a welcoming community? 

Autumn 2: Are we caretakers or owners of the world?  

Spring 1: Is war ever just? 

Spring 2: Does where we live define how we live? 

Summer 1: Were early civilizations life threatening or life changing?

Summer 2: Are all people valued equally?

You can also refer to these  documents A Guide to Online Learning and Age-Related Expectations.


This half term, P.E. will be on Wednesday Children will be expected to come to school in school uniform, and change into appropriate PE clothing (no earrings, tracksuit bottoms if needed, yellow PE top e.t.c). The children will be completing swimming and tennis.

For swimming, children will need to bring trunks/ swimming costume, swimming caps if needed/ goggles. Please make sure children arrive to school on time with their kits and towels.  



  • Reading – Every night, must be evidenced in the reading diary with a signature and at least two comments a week. 
  • Spellings – Set on a Monday to be tested on Friday. 
  • Maths/English – Set on a Friday, due in on a Monday. 

This will consist of...

  • At least one piece of mathematics homework, consolidating on prior learning from the week.
  • At least one piece of comprehension, usually linked towards our Topic learning.
  • At least one piece of SPaG to help with writing fundamentals in class.

Other Projects

  • Curriculum Tasks (R.E./Science/Topic/Themed) 

Other curriculum tasks may be set for your child throughout the year and your child will be informed when these will need to be returned.

Homework should be handed in on a Monday. Any queries or issues can be addressed on a Monday morning. If extra support is needed then please write a message in the planner so the class team can support your child.


We look to Jesus as our guide in praying and learning. Here you will see some of the wonderful experiences we have shared together in Year 6.

 Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy- Feast of the Nativity of Mary

For our prayer and liturgy we celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Mary. We reflected on the birth of Mary, Our Mother. We reflected on what we can do to be   free from sin and show resilience, just as Mary showed throughout her life. 


Year 6 Special event- Brendon Batson

We completed a social history study on the Windrush Generation. This was inspiring for many of the children as their parents/ grandparents are first or second generation immigrants from the Caribbean. Brendon Batson came into visit the children after hearing about their learning. 


Year 6 Special event- Geography Passport Day

During the first week in November, we celebrated Geography Passport Day. This entailed visiting a multitude of countries which were hosted by the teachers around school. 


Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy- Remembrance Day

On November 10th, we took time out of our day as a school community to pray together for those who have fallen in war. Due to November 11th being Remembrance Day, we thought it was appropriate to hold a school poetry recital, accompanied with a prayer and liturgy service. 

Year 6 Special event- Geography Awareness week

At the beginning of Autumn 2, we have been exploring our Catholic Social Teaching through the use of Geography Awareness Week. We have been out into our local area and completed some field work, conducting surveys on the vehicles in the clean air zone and how we can further improve our clean air zone. 






Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy- Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross 

On the 14th September, we celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. We explored the meaning of Exaltation and how this links to the cross. We discussed and reflected on what the cross represents to us, and how it symbolizes the love Jesus has for us. We lit a candle and spoke about what we were grateful to Jesus for and placed around the crucifix.


Our Values and Mission

Class Prayers

Home Learning

Values and Virtues

Wednesday Word
